Monday, December 15, 2008

This is from Jo-Anne

Hello everyone . Jeannie showed me how to come on here and make my own little notes, which I feel are long overdo. I would like to thank each and everyone of you's that have taken the time to come on here and keep up with my progress. My daughter has done an outstanding job on this blog and I can't thank her enough. I appreciate all the love and prayers that are being sent my way . Thank you all from the bottom of my heart

Friday, December 12, 2008

Doctor appointment update and some other ramblings

Well, the doctor appointment went well! All of her bloodwork came back good and Paula could not believe how much better she looked then the day that they admitted her. After she went to the doctor, Me. Farrah Bailey, Emily and Mom went to our favorite shrimp place (The Harbor Inn) and had lunch. Man was it good! The last few times we went we were a bit disappointed bt they pulled through for us this time!! Yummy yum yum!!

Mom went the other day and bought her some hair! She said she doesn't mind being bald but would rather have something to cover her head when going to the store and stuff so she did and it looks fabulous!! Of course, you know I will attach a picture. ;)

Oh yea, Chemo is set up for December 17th and after that she will have another scan to see how things are progressing on the inside!

Until next time!

Farrah and Jo....don't they both look great???!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Update, Sunday December 7th

Hello All!

Sorry it is taking me so long to update again.

Mom got out of the hospital on Wednesday! She has done so well since she's been out. She tells me some days that she's having an "August Day", which means she feels as good as she did in August lol. It is wonderful how quickly she is gaining her strength back. She's now able to do small tasks such as light housework etc. I know it must feel so good to her to be able to get back to doing things that would have been nearly imposible 6-8 weeks ago. Since being out of the hospital she has had an unsatiable appetite! She reported to me this morning that it is starting to slow down a bit. At her lowest weight she was down to 108 pounds and now she is back up to 120! WONDERFUL. She may kill me for posting how much she weighs though hehe.

Mom has an appiontment with Dr. Madden on Wednesday...I will report back as soon as we get home to give an update on how she is doing medically! :-)

You know I can't go this long without an update without posting at least one picture. Shea had her winter dance Friday night and we stopped by mom's house before we went. Here is a pic of Shea and Granny!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


More details later!! :-)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New pictures!

I asked Farrah to please get a picture of her and the girls with "Jo" the next time she visited the hospital for the blog and she did!
Mom can't wait to get out of the hospital so she can start getting her daily visits from "all her kids" again! I'm positive that Kimmie and Taylor (and Farrah too) are missing their visits with her every day as well!

Here are some pics of Jo with the girls~

December 2nd Update

Well, chemo effects are starting to hit but it doesn't look like it's going to keep her away from home for too much longer. She has a bit of diarrhea so she can't come home today but as soon as that clears up she is COMING HOME! What a wonderful day that will be! I'm sure that little 8x8 room (it might be bigger but it sure doesn't seem to be at times) is starting to close in on her. Especially now that she is feeling so good and wanting to be up and about more. 5 weeks is way too long to be stuck up in a little tiny hospital room.
I must say though, she has had wonderful care. The nurses, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, and techs are so nice and caring. I know mom will miss alot of the staff.
Some of the nurses have even expressed how remarkable mom's recovery has been. It is quite amazing looking back at how sick she was.

"However long the night, the dawn will break."
Author: African Proverb