Friday, January 16, 2009

CT Update - Friday January 16th 2009

Mom went to see Dr. Madden today for the results of her CT scan earlier this week. I am pleased to announce the the results were beyond amazing! The report shows "significant to near complete resolution of previous mediastinal (chest) and hilar (lung) adenopathy. Lungs are completely clear. She still has seven tiny subcentimeter low density lesions on her liver but the doctor seems very confident that with the next two chemo's those should be gone as well. He will do another scan at the end of the second chemo to see where that stands then they will just watch her very closely more chemo! Woot Woot!! I asked if she would be considered in remission after the chemo is over and he said that he could almost say NOW that she is in remission (not yet though). So, she isn't quite yet in remission but so damn close I can smell it! lol
Her heart is normal sized now. The first scan she had (on 10-17-08) showed it was enlarged due to the pulmonary hypertension. Since that huge mass that was sitting on her pulmonary arteries is gone the hypertension and cardiomegaly is resolved!! YAY!
This is the best news we could have gotten (aside from having complete remission of course).
Dr. Madden mentioned that had we not gotten ahead of the cancer when we did she would not have made it. Her recovery from when she was first diagnosed until now has been miraculous!


matt-deb's pages said...

this is absolutely awesome news
and it calls for a "CELEBRATION"
I'll burn you some peanut butter cookies this weekend...
love you always,
Matt & Deb

Unknown said...

Yay!! I am so happy to read this!! This is the best news I have read/heard all day long!!!!!

monica said...

I'm so happy that things are going so well. You deserve to feel better, and to have a little relief from worry.

The Barts said...

I was so happy when Jeannie shared the news on our board! It was such a pleasure meeting you both here in Bflo. I think of you guys often and hope 2009 is going to be a great year for you! Congrats on quitting smoking :)