Saturday, November 15, 2008

Friday November 14th update

A couple of new things to update on. First off, I went up to the hospital last night and mom looked great! Maybe not exactly where she wants to be in the course of treatment but she really looks good compared to even a couple of days ago. She sat up in the bed and was talking with me and Shea. She even laughed last night! It was music to my ears!
I could tell she was very tired and she told me that she would love to have just one night of uninterupted sleep. Hopefully she got just that last night. The nurse seemed to have a little plan of action so that they could try to acheive it.
Her white blood cell count is back up! She is off of the neutropenic precautions! YAY! She is still on bleeding precautions because of the low platelet count but things are definately looking up!
The physical therapist is still coming every day. They had her up walking around her room the other day. She even walked out of her room with the therapist's help. They didn't go far but what a major milestone!
All in all she is still feeling really crappy and her spirits are still down but seeing just a little improvement here and there is just wonderful.
We still need to get her eating. The doctor would like to see her stronger before the next round of chemo.
Oh, I really hate to report that it looks like her hair is starting to fall out. She showed me her giant hairball when I got there last night. I'm going to try to make her a really light and airy hat to wear just in case it all decided to turn loose. Right now it is just really thin. Not sure what will happen in the next few days so I'll have her a hat just in case. She did ask me not to make one too thick because of how hot she gets. No problem!
That is all I have to update for now. Until next time....

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